Security Council Musical Chairs The annual ritual of changing places and players in the UN Security Council was held in New York. Countries aspiring to a two-year term on the fifteen member Council were elected to represent regional groups.
The Eastern European vacancy was contested in a tough three-way race pitting Slovenia, Hungary and Azerbaijan in the running for the coveted seat. The assumption was that Slovenia (A member of the European Union, the Euro currency, and NATO) would win, while Hungary (also in the EU and NATO), could win.
Starting last Friday, going through a tough weekend of lobbying, and seeing a final electoral slugfest Monday, the result was unexpected.
By the sixteenth ballot, Azerbaijan had 116 votes and Slovenia 77. After this inconclusive round, Slovenia withdrew its name and the race was open.
Finally following seventeen ballots to fill the vacancy, Azerbaijan gained the necessary two thirds and won with 155 votes in favor to Slovenia's 13. The former Soviet
satrap who joined the UN in 1992, will have its first turn on the Council.
Despite its flawed credentials as an government which is "not free" according to the respected human rights watchdog, Freedom House, Azerbaijan garnered the votes from developing countries, the Islamic world, and Turkish-arm twisting. Starting in January, Azerbaijan shall replace Bosnia on the Council.
Morocco has gained a place as did Guatemala, Pakistan and Togo.