Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Comment du Jour

USA and Europeans Elected to UN Human Rights Council

First the good news.  The United States has been re-elected to the UN Human Rights Council along with Germany and Ireland.

Now fasten your seat belts--Venezuela, Kazakistan and Pakistan will also be part of the eighteen new selections to the Geneva-based Council which is chosen by regional groups.

The Eastern European group saw Estonia and Montenegro elected. 

Given that Cuba, China and Russia are slated to step down in the next session, human rights groups see Venezuela and Pakistan as political surrogates.

Other new Council members include Japan and South Korea as well as Argentina and Brazil who shall serve for the 2013-2015 session.

The 47 member Council meets in Geneva to review the status of human rights and freedoms in UN member states. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Comment du Jour

Le Beaujolais Nouveau est Arrive!!!

The third Thursday of November marks the arrival of the "new wine" the  
Beaujolais Nouveau!

Each year many wine shops in America have their presentation party for the grape.  Here in New York Sherry Lehman offered their now famous
artistic label bottles.  Franck Duboeuf has often come to the Park Avenue store to present and indeed "sign the bottles," of this seasonal French wine often a part of American Thanksgiving celebrations.

A Votre Sante!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Comment du Jour

Remembrance Day in Canada

Veterans Day in the USA

11 November

On the Eleventh Hour, On the Eleventh Day, of the Eleventh Month....1918.

The ending of WWI, is commemorated in Britain, Canada , and the Commonwealth as Remembrance Day.  Here in the USA, what used to be called Armistice Day has been known as Veterans Day since 1954.

Our correspondent in Montreal shares these moving photos of the commemorations at McGill University.

Among the wreaths are those from the USA, France and South Korea.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Comment du Jour

                                            (Board of Election Polling Sign New York)

U.S. Election

President Re-elected--Inherits Obama Economy!