Opening Day! Fuss and Flurry of Diplomacy and New York Traffic
The 66th Annual General Assembly Debate has opened with the usual fuss and flurry of
diplomacy inside the UN HQ and the traffic jams outside. Resolving the Palestinian issue, something which the UN has been working on for over sixty years, assumed center stage with many of the speakers.
Among the main speeches to the 193 member Assembly:
U.S. President Barack Obama--long, lawyerly and lackluster
French President Nicolas Sarkozy--political panache with the rhetorical flourishes the French do so well
King Abdullah II of Jordan--classy
President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea--praises global democratic changes and human rights gains BUT forgets to mention human rights in North Korea??!!
President Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine--Bla, Bla, but he has that "Soviet-style look" of the Ukrainian politicos many would rather forget.
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