Rain on President Hollande’s Paris Parade
Francois Hollande has been inaugurated the new French President amid the near- monarchial splendor of the French Republic. Yet after leaving the stately Elysee Palace, the new Socialist president was wisked down the majestic Champs d' Elyses in a rather unassuming Citroen hybrid convertible surrounded by the Garde Republicane Horse Cavalry.
But it rained on his parade!
Shortly thereafter the new president prepared to fly to Berlin to discuss Eurozone economic policies and have his first meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Hollande’s official aircraft was hit by lightning and had to return to base. The new president pressed on to Berlin in a new plane. After an elaborate welcome, Hollande had a cordial meeting with Merkel, but under rainy skies.
On other matters, some readers have been asking while the national election tally favored Hollande with a 52% vote to 48% for Nicolas Sarkozy, how did the French living abroad vote?
Here in New York area, there were a number of polling places for the citizens of the Republic; not just at the Consulate in Manhattan but in Brooklyn and elsewhere. There are 92,000 French citizens in the USA eligible to cast their ballot; 36% did so with 61 percent of the electorate favoring the incumbent Sarkozy and 39 percent going to Hollande.
In Canada among 65,000 eligible to vote, forty percent did so with 56% going to the Socialist candidate and 44% to Sarkozy.
In Brazil among the 15,000 eligible to vote, 31% did so with 53% going to Sarkozy and 47% to Hollande.
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