Macron U.S. Visit Stresses Shared Values, Security
What’s best described as a budding bonhommerie, or a “bromance” to put it into the Anglovernacular, seemed to unite the two political leaders during the lavish visit. This is more than a cosmetic show of friendship but an ambitious move by Macron to balance his European Union commitments along with his cherished transatlantic instincts.
Amid hugs and handshakes, there’s an interesting political chemistry between Macron and the Donald, both political outsiders and mavericks who enjoy ruffling feathers and challenging the status quo. In many ways, Trump (71) may see the young Macron (40) as the age of his son. Neither man is a political philosopher but rather a practical if determined practitioner.
While most of the mainstream media revel to stress points of disagreement between both presidents, such as climate change, the flawed Iran nuclear deal, and trade tariffs, it’s only natural and not surprising that friends and indeed sovereign nations are not precisely on the same page on each and every issue.
In an impassioned address to the U.S. Congress, President Macron stated clearly, “The strength of our bonds is the source of our shared ideals.”
He added “This is what united us in the struggle against imperialism in the First World War. Then in the fight against Nazism in the Second World War. This is what united us again during the era of the Stalinist threats and now we lean on that strength to fight against terrorist groups.”
President Macron added poignantly, “Since 1776, we, the American and French people, have had a rendez-vous with freedom. And with it come sacrifices.”
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