Friday, May 24, 2013

Comment du Jour

Angel of Peace,  atop the Soldiers and Sailors Monument,
New Haven Connecticut

                                                  Memorial Day 2013

                We Honor Those Who Served to Protect Our Freedoms...
                         And We must continue to Protect Those Freedoms!
                     "We Live in the Land of the Free Because of the Brave"

The Soldiers and Sailors Monument, atop East Rock Park, stands majestically over New Haven. From the vantage point the spires of Yale University are clearly visible.

Dating from 1887, the 112 ft column is dedicated to those who fought in the American Revolution, War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Civil War.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Comment du Jour

Celebrating Europe Day

The Empire State Building has been lit in the Blue/Yellow colors of the European Union to celebrate Europe Day.  The actual day commemorates the Schuman Declaration  on 9 May 1950 in which the former French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman made the first proposals leading to the war-torn continent's economic integration.

The embryonic moves towards economic cooperation would evolve into the Common Market, the European Community, and into today's 27 member European Union (EU).

This marks the sixth year in which the iconic New York City landmark has been lit in the EU colors.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Comment du Jour

Willem-Alexander of Orange
New King of the Netherlands

Amid pomp and splendor bathed in a sea of Orange, Crown Prince Willem Alexander has assumed the throne as the first King of the Netherlands in 123 years.

With the abdication of Queen Beatrix, the royal crown has passed to her son
Willem-Alexander. At 46, Willem becomes Europe's youngest Monarch.  His wife,
Queen Maxima, while originally from Argentina, is hugely popular among the Dutch.

The House of Orange Nassau has been headed by three Queens, Wilhelmina (the beloved wartime Queen), Juliana, and Beatrix. Interestingly while Wilhelmina spent the war in exile in London, the Royal family resided in Ottawa, Canada for safety.

After Holland's liberation from the Nazis, the Queen donated 100,000 tulip bulbs to Ottawa in appreciation and honor to Canada.

While the Dutch are celebrating their new King, Canadians are celebrating the annual tulip festival in Ottawa.