Sunday, January 29, 2012

Comment du Jour

Despite Socio/economic gloom--Japan Sparkles in Michelin Stars

Despite the decade of recession, crushing financial debt, and the near-Biblical tragedy of the 2011 Tsunami/earthquake and nuclear disaster, Japanese resturants continue to excell. The culinary scene sparkles and nearly 250 resturants in Tokyo have earned the coveted Michelin stars--more than London, New York and Paris combined!

The revered French Michelin Guides have sprinked the coveted stars round the Japanese islands--and mostly to resturants serving Japanese cuisine.

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal Magazine, "Made Better in Japan," Tokyo the capital excells in fine fare. Tokyo has sixteen three star resturants, an honor awarded to only fifteen resturants in the main cites of Europe combined.

Some of the Michelin grade establishments are tiny sushi bars while others are extravagant kaiseki resturants. Many are small and inconspicuous places, quite a difference from many tony French establishments.

Chefs are often trained in France and excell in both European and Japanese cuisine. The article adds many of the chefs, "Even those cooking non-Japanese cuisines, are the most highly trained and technically adept in the world."

The article offers an interesting after thought; "High-end consumer culture in Japan survived twenty years of economic decline and has actually become much better, in critical terms, though also less profitable than it was when Japan, INC ruled the world."

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